Being and Nothingness
Das Sein und das Nichts
L’Être et le Néant
Luxembourg/Austria 2007 / 10 min / colour / 35mm / Dolby Digital
Live version (4:10 min) performed by Klangforum Wien
World Premiere: Biennale di Venezia 2007
International Premiere: International Film Festival Rotterdam 2007
Austrian Premiere: Wien Modern Ouverture 2007
Prix UIP Short Film Nominee for the European Film Awards 2007
SiCORTO Best Short Animation Finalist, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010
Part of the film collection Free Radicals

Being and Nothingness works with a piece by Beat Furrer to make the parameters of the generation of music visible. Music is poured into pictures: What you see is what you hear.
The individual musicians appear only in the extremely brief moments in which they play, with their bodies representing notes on a visualised score. The film illustrates the dominance of music over the body, its presence and its disappearance. Conductor Beat Furrer acts as the tamer of time and the master of silence.
For the film & music project Free Radicals, Bady Minck realises the two short films Being and Nothingness and Seems To Be together with Klangforum Wien. The principal performers of both films are the musicians of Klangforum Wien together with composer and conductor Beat Furrer.
Script and Direction: Bady Minck
Music: Beat Furrer interpretiert vom Klangforum Wien
“Ein Lied, das über das Ende des Liedes hinaus ein anderes Ende finden wollte” (c) Alkor-Edition
Realised in collaboration with Klangforum Wien
Cast: Beat Furrer, Pozzo Furrer, Hans Lugmair, the musicians of Klangforum Wien: Markus Deuter, Andreas Eberle, Vera Fischer, Thomas Frey, Uli Fussenegger, Andrew Jezek, Andreas Lindenbaum, Gunde Jäch-Micko, Florian Müller, Anders Nyqvist, Dimitrios Polisoidis, Edurne Santos, Sophie Schafleitner, Lukas Schiske, Petra Stump, Christoph Walder, Björn Wilker, Bernhard Zachhuber
Camera: Jörn Staeger, Martin Putz
Editing: Frédéric Fichefet
Sound Recording: Peter Böhm, Wolfram Wuinovic
Sound-Assistant: Florian Bogner
Music Consultant: Bernhard Zachhuber
Coordination Klangforum: Stefanie Wolff, Sven Hartberger
Assistant Director: Eni Brandner
Lighting: Matthias Pötsch, Wolfram Wuinovic
Line Producer: Alfie Kral
Assistant Line Producer: Maria Poell
Set Photography: Eva Kern, Maria Poell
Stage Managers: Matthias Meinharter, Florian Kofler
Best Girls & Boys: Sarah Pötzelsberger, Wolfgang Auer, David Schwaiger
Digital Post-Production: Eni Brandner
Post-Production Assistants: Darko Vidačković, David Schwaiger
Digital Completion: Kurt Hennrich
Transfer 35mm: Martin Putz
Mixing: Eckart Goebel, Synchro Film Studio
Special Thanks to Antiquariat Hans Lugmair, Zepp Berensmeier, Penelope Messidix, Christine Puchner, Walter Raffelsberger, Gerhard Steixner, Charles Ulbl, Johannes Wegenstein, Mona Willi
Production Coordination: Karin Berghammer, Ragna Larusdottir, Michelle Muller, Jessica Reavis
Production Assistants: Agnès Durvin, Marie Tappero Produktionsleitung: Alfie Kral
Producers: Bady Minck, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Gabriele Kranzelbinder
Production: AMOUR FOU Luxembourg & AMOUR FOU Vienna
Supported by: Filmfund Luxembourg, BKA.kunst, ORF Innovationsfonds, Wien Kultur